In an effort to be more in tune with the universe, I've been paying a great deal more attention to the actions of those around me. Not just relatives and close friends, I listen to conversations on the street and watch interactions between others. It's fascinating but also, I think, telling me that what we put out into the universe, does indeed return to us multiplied.
Watching those around you will show you how your choice of attitude and actions can and does impact everything that happens in your world.
Some people light up a room when they enter, they acknowledge others, spread cheer and always have a friendly word for anyone who will engage with them, these people seem not to have a care in the world, and I suspect that they don't. Their goodwill for others is returned to them in abundance.
Other people seem to travel the world with a grey cloud over head, they scowl and grumble at people, don't engage in pleasantries and are just going through the motions, doing only what, in their mind, must be done to survive. These people are not outwardly vocal about their problems, they are simply focused only on their own bubble of misery and again, this is returned to them in abundance. If you try to engage with them and get grumbles in return you are unlikely to try again and so their bubble is not penetrated by anything other than misery.
Then there are the complainers, and they always have friends with bigger and more extravagant problems, they sit and talk loudly about their woes and none of it is ever their own fault. The stories get bigger and bolder as they go and they encourage others to join in as they walk by. Husband and I remember fondly a conversation between his Grandmother, my Grandmother and my favourite Great Aunt comparing ailments one Christmas afternoon, it peaked at a story about having a heart attack on Brisbane train station, then catching the train back to Melbourne before seeking treatment. We joke about the next step being a prostate problem between these three lovely older women.
I have some friends who thrive on drama, they always have some drama in their lives and it gives them focus, be it medical, financial, personal, real or imagined, as long as their is drama they have something to talk about. It works for them but again reflects my point that what you put out into the universe is normally exactly what you receive back.
I try to be optimistic in all my dealings, as I said in an earlier blog, my word for the year to focus on is charity. I am trying to be charitable in my thoughts and actions. I try to treat people in the way I want to be treated, I often remind husband that I am f#*+ing delightful which always makes us both laugh, but I do genuinely try to be a nice person most of the time.
We all stumble, we all have dark days, disagreements with those we love and financial, emotional and personal pressures from time to time but the trick is to deal with these things without allowing them to rule our mood. Not always easy but a noble goal.
My theory, as Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 12 or so years is that we can all make a difference to the collective consciousness by spreading positivity and goodwill. Give it a try and see if you can notice the difference in your own world.
Love and Light,