The Let Them Theory

The Let Them Theory

Like I've said before, I have a pattern of allowing myself to be sucked into other peoples drama and being a Virgo I then think it's my job to "fix" it.

A friend sent me this clip by Mel Robins and I find it really resonates with me.  It's something I have watched over and over and I'm trying hard to live by it and if I can make a little progress each day I think I'm doing good.

Each of us has enough drama in our lives without taking on other peoples baggage.  There is always someone worse off and if you can provide support, a shoulder or a dollar to help that's fantastic and I encourage everyone to do this but then you need to move on.  Don't allow other peoples issues to live free in your mind.  Help then move on and 'Let them' make their own choices.

Click on the link below and have a quick listen.


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