The Suit of Cups in Tarot

The Suit of Cups in Tarot

The Tarot suit of Cups is most often associated with feelings and emotions. This is associated with positive traits such as affectionate, caring, gentle, gracious and patient. On the negative side, traits like escapist, frail, introverted, lazy and overemotional reflect on this suit.

The cups suit is also called the suit of cauldrons, vessels, goblets, and chalices in different versions of the tarot decks.  It is said to be of the  water elementand is linked to  astrology signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Piscies

In the course of a tarot reading, if cups cards appear it may be interpreted as a strong surge of feelings. It is also associated with emotions, psychic abilities and fantasy. If the spread is predominantly made up of cups tarot cards, then it can result in the blossoming of a  new relationship or friend for the querent. It can even mean involvement in a project one is passionate about.

If the cups cards show up in reverse it can mean a tendency towards moodiness and emotions such as anger, jealousy, and sadness. The dominance of reversed cups tarot cards can result in the souring of a friendship or  tension between family and friends.

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